The Wood – The begining

She had a body as a fairy  and lived  there for all her life….

Surround by trees…. Trees so so dark and tal that she almost could see the sun… So… She is habituated with shadows that compose all her world… And shadows, we know, they are not so simple…  they are the pure darkest…. With silent moves, whispers , deep lake … the mist… That terrified her  but not anymore….

She deal very good with this sensations and more  growing in her chest… Corrupted still… mind and soul…Mujer gótica en el bosque

You only could crave something if you know or if you see… A person…  a thing…. And she never desired anything because the wood  were inside her … And the wood gave to her all that she needs… since now…

A  dangerous eagerness to talk, to touch and be touched intensify inside her…. A fever… A thirst  … appeased by her hands… Sometimes hurting herself but satiated ….. She don’t know what  bruises is … even  why her discolored skin…  but only the end of the desire… complete, total….

She starts to create something or someone as a company

…  she saw  herself in mirrored puddles…

First the feet ~needing  to see  more~

As she  crawl and bend over

Creeping and begin

In my middle please in my middle …

They find her … and gave to her a dress

the first view, the first sight of herself

in a mirror…..

The light, the sun

burning her eyes and niveous skin


drawing a path in a man’s body

taken to the woods

Now… She talks

~he took me to wander into dark night~
i thought…one more effort….

along the way he asked me
thou hast innocent eyes?

in silent walking… the rustle of my petticoats announcing


still…leading me to wander into a dark wood
despite all dangerous signs

along the way he asked me
thou hast hidden desires?

in silent i was

yes…hidden desires…

but the treacherous moon arises

catching me in surprise
a glimpse of me appears

bringing light to his blurry eyes….

astonishment and fright

in both hearts….

touching the blue vein with smooth fingers
a delight  ~finishing my pain~

drowning an endless thirst
no time for answers still

my fangs, hands, body on him
Muscle stiffness ~deep breath~


let me finish with you quickly
thou need that and i too

~he took me to wander into dark night~

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